The main character of the novel "Destiny of the Tatar" is Gyulban, which means (Flower) , she had a happy childhood in the parental house is replaced by intolerable life in the house of the unloved husband with constant reproaches of the mother-in-law. All this brings the woman to suicide. Her action is a bitter protest to violence. It is difficult to accept such decision, but she doesn’t see the other exit. In it force of its character. To complete the picture creations of the novel "Destiny of the Tatar" are represented by undoubted interest the following history. The prototype of the heroine of the novel "Destiny of the Tatar" is a proud Gyulban, Hatim's beautiful girl from the village Balyklykul that near the native village of the writer, Sultanmuratovo which married off to Dyurtyuli's village was. | |
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